Bright Village Solar Power
Coming soon.
Health Clinics
The doctor-to-patient ratio in Cameroon is one doctor for every 40,000 people, compared to one doctor for every 320 people in the United States. No wonder most Cameroonians never see an academically trained physician their entire life. Health care in Cameroon has been a major challenge for the national government. The country has a respected physician-training program, but unfortunately many graduating professionals end up migrating to other countries. To respond to this need, the Foundation has established two community health clinics, in the villages of Nkambe and Njinikijem. These small clinics provide vital services to their communities, and we welcome retired physicians, missionaries and volunteers to help continue this mission.
Computer Use and Repair
The Foundation operates five computer technology training centers in rural communities in Cameroon. These centers have trained hundreds of students in computer use, including MS Word and other popular software programs, as well as hardware maintenance and repair. More than 30 people visit the centers every day to do research on the internet, check emails or do documentation services. These programs teach the basics of computer use to the rural poor.
Vocational Education
With only 67 percent of the labor force in Cameroon productively employed and economically active, the country struggles with unemployment as well as underemployment. The Foundation provides agricultural and vocational training centers to begin the process of moving communities out of poverty and toward self-sufficiency.
Co-op Stores
The Foundation currently operates Co-op stores in the villages of Nkambe, Ndu, Belo, Njinikom and Fundong. Residents can borrow basic goods from the Foundation store, then return or pay for them after a given time. The Co-Op is a resource for the seeds and tools the students need in order to implement on their own plots of land the lessons learned through the Foundation’s agricultural training.
Basic Education
The Foundation operates the Torchbearer Community Primary School in the village of Ngang, which now includes more than 150 students. In addition, we sponsor student tuition and uniform fees for children across Cameroon who otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend school at all.